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Schizophrenia Test

This test was developed by the life of schiz and is intended for knowledge and entertainment purposes only . If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder , please consult your local psychologist psychiatrist or other health care professional . It is not a diagnostic tool for diseases of schizophrenia spectrum . Do not attempt self-diagnosis or self -medication. Always seek professional help first! This is not a test official online schizophrenia, because none of this exists. A diagnosis can only be obtained from a professional.

Test Instructions :

This screening is free and for all to use! This test is designed to help you understand your own level of symptoms commonly considered related to schizophrenia in some extent. Each response was assigned a numerical value and after completing the test , you will receive a score based on the severity of their symptoms. An explanation of your score is less than the test. Choose your answers from its current state or how you feel in the last two months. Be honest with yourself. This questionnaire is completely private . No data is collected or stored and is completely anonymous . The test is not timed , but you may find it useful to choose an initial response without spending too much time on each question.

1. I find it difficult to separate reality from fantasy and delusion. This makes it hard to trust myself or others, because I’m not sure if I’m being lied to or controlled.       
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

3. I cannot control my own mind, thoughts, or actions for various reasons, including possession, mind control, or lack of willpower.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

5. Because of jealousy or fear of my powers, others treat me unkindly and unfairly. For this reason, I don’t socialize much.       
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

7. People disbelieve my knowledge and skill of magical powers, psychic abilities, and conspiracy plots. They think I’m ‘crazy’.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

9. I am alone. I have nothing in common with anyone else on the planet, including my family and friends. I am special.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

11. I procrastinate and waste lots of time. Everything is pointless and there is some impending doom lurking in the near future.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

13. I find myself lost in aimless activities that have no purpose or meaning to them. I can waste many hours doing this before I realize what has happened.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

15. I suspect the world is not real, like a puppet show or illusion. A sinister force is responsible for this trickery. They’ve replaced the people I care about with robots or ‘walk-ins.’
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

17. It occurred to me that if I answer truthfully on this schizophrenia quiz, someone might be tracking the info and use it against me.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

19. I’m extremely anxious in social situations. I’d rather avoid them. I fear being judged, making a mistake, or offending someone.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

2. Others plot to hurt me. I am being persecuted by a secret group, government, religion, etc. They monitor me everywhere I go.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

4. I have magical, psychic, or 
spiritual powers that others do not. They either don’t believe me or want to stop me.     
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

6. I communicate with people, spirits, or entities beyond this world that others can’t see or hear. They gift me secret information or torment and trouble me.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

8. My beliefs are so unique or truthful that others find them very bizarre or scary. I am the only one who knows the truth.               
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

10. When I express myself, people become confused or think I’m strange.They cannot understand me and words, or are scared to  doso.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

12. My short-term memory is becoming worse and worse. I can’t remember simple or big things, such as where I sat my drink or a doctor’s appointment.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

14. My emotions are not appropriate for the events that occur. For example, I cry for no reason or laugh at violence.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

16. I spend far too much time in anxiety about existence. I can stare at my hands in wonder and fear for hours. I can’t let it go, even though it troubles me.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

18. My communication skills are deteriorating. I’m losing my vocabulary, grammar, syntax, speech, and even handwriting skills. I mix words, languages, and letters together.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

20. The color red makes me angry. The colors blue or green calm me. I can taste and hear things when I look at them. I can feel the colors.
Not at All   Moderately
A Little Bit Frequently
 Sometimes All the Time

Once you’ve answered all of the questions, click below to receive your score.

Test Results !
If you have a ...
0-30 - some symptoms of schizophrenia were shown and probably are not at risk of developing this disease . But please be aware of your own internal process that continues over time . The general population is about 1.1% risk of becoming schizophrenic, according to statistics !
31-55 - You may experience mild to moderate symptoms . However, some of the answers could be related to a state of anxiety or just opening to the world of possibilities (eg , questions about psychic powers and plots ) . If these estimates to create problems for you in your life, then you should be careful and be aware of the causes of schizophrenia. You could be at risk .
56-70 - You are experiencing schizophrenic symptoms . Please consult a doctor about your condition. Your symptoms may progress and worsen over time. Your doctor may prescribe youmedication and help you develop a treatment plan . Take your family or friends with you so that you can learn the basics of their disease.
71-100 - You suffer from very severe symptoms associated with schizophrenia . Please notify a relative and ask them to make an appointment with a psychologist. It is important to seek treatment right away and get an understanding of the type of schizophrenia you treat . Your doctor will explain to you and your loved ones What is your prognosis and the road to recovery . Please do not wait or hesitate .
Reaffirming the need for security
Please remember that there is no evidence of schizophrenia official online diagnosis. If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms , consult your physician. He or she can take in the direction you need to go from there. Do not wait . Early intervention can prevent your symptoms and progress in severity again. Thank you for taking this test!

Schizophrenia Medication and Its Side Effects

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Proper medication is considered the most effective way to help a person with schizophrenia. There are various treatments which can be used for the positive or negative symptoms  schizophrenia medication.
 These medications may not work effectively for negative symptoms as they do for the positives.
During the early stages of a person will experience a psychotic state of mind or commonly known as a first psychotic episode, schizophrenia medication the first reaction is to take him to the hospital for constant attention.
 But if the person is already using the medication , which essentially requires an adjustment that is required to have a higher dose of the drug schizophrenia medication.
Whenever symptoms improve , you need a schizophrenic to continue taking medication , which may possibly be lower doses schizophrenia medication .
Psychiatric medications that are primarily used to manage psychosis are known as antipsychotic drugs. schizophrenia medication We all know that drugs have a variety of side effects, or not desired or beneficial.
During the first phase of treatment , patients may have difficulty coping with side effects such as tremors , drowsiness , dry mouth , muscle spasms , restlessness, or blurred vision schizophrenia medication  .
 These side effects mentioned can be corrected by reducing the dose or can be controlled by other medications. schizophrenia medication Patients may have different responses to treatment with antipsychotic medications they take. Patients may do better with a certain drug than the other.
schizophrenia medication Antipsychotic drugs can provide long term can create a much more serious problem effects. It is a disorder called tardier duskiness or TD is characterized by unconscious movements of parts of the body including the mouth , lips and tongue , arms and legs.
 Most often, these symptoms are mild, and the patient may not be aware of these movements schizophrenia medication 
TD occurs in about 15 to 20 percent of patients taking antipsychotic drugs for several years. However, it can also develop in patients receiving antipsychotic drugs for shorter periods schizophrenia medication .
New drugs appear to have a much lower risk of TD to highlight that the first are the traditional antipsychotic. Although the risk is not zero, and can produce side effects of their own such as the increase in body weight.
 The drugs developed in recent years , can also lead to problems such as social isolation and related to symptoms of Parkinson's disease , a disorder that affects the movement of the person schizophrenia medication.
The best treatment for schizophrenia is to use more than one drug . While finding what is best for you may take a fairly long time . It can be frustrating , so it's very important to get the support of his family, as family and friends with a program of community-based rehabilitation .
If you have the disorder, be sure to talk with your doctor to discuss and find the best way to prevent the recurrence of symptoms. Note that it is important to consult your doctor before making changes in the intake of medicine.

Schizophrenia - Causes and Cure

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Knowing Causes Can Help in Curing Schizophrenia
Factors responsible for Schizophrenia and steps to cure it
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder involving a distorted or abnormal perception of reality schizophrenia causes . These distortions could involve any of the five senses but are most often auditory hallucinations, paranoia, disorganized speech and thinking, or bizarre delusions.
 The disorder impairs cognition and in turn impacts emotional or behavioral problems schizophrenia causes . It can coincide with anxiety disorders and major depression.
Patients often have a difficulty telling inner speech from what is actually said to them, and have impaired reasoning about social situations schizophrenia causes .
At present, there is no clinical test for schizophrenia. Diagnoses are usually from reported experiences of the patient. However, increased dopamine activity in the brain is usually found schizophrenia causes .
 Imaging scans have also been able to find differences in the brains of schizophrenic people, which do not indicate the disease itself, but the memory and problem-solving issues associated with it schizophrenia causes  .
Patients sometimes think they are being controlled, their thoughts are being transmitted to other people, or that thoughts are inserted or withdrawn from their minds. The delusions can be different from those described schizophrenia causes  .
The causes of schizophrenia could be both genetic and environmental, but the specific combination of factors is not yet known schizophrenia causes  .
1. Genetic factors would involve more than one type of gene working in tandem to cause the problem, schizophrenia causes  but these same genes may develop bipolar disorder or another problem instead.
 Since known patients seem to have fewer children than average,schizophrenia causes   it is not known how the condition could continue to exist if it has a strong genetic component.
2. The early development of the brain while in the womb is considered a possible factor. Prenatal exposure to infections can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.
3. Living in an urban setting is a risk factor, as is poverty, poor housing conditions, or migration due to racism or family dysfunction schizophrenia causes  .
4. A childhood of trauma or abuse may be a factor, but parenting style is not the definite cause.
5. Drug abuse is not a proven cause, but may be related schizophrenia causes  .
Currently, there is no existing cure for schizophrenia, but there are antipsychotic medications with varied effects. Some cases will resist more than one medication schizophrenia causes  .
 Typical antipsychotic can reduce psychosis and take 7 to 14 days to start working. 
 schizophrenia causes  Atypical antipsychotic are now preferred for initial treatment but can induce weight gain.
Both types of medication are considered equally effective. The former type can, in rare cases, lead to potentially fatal neurological problems, and it is not yet known if the latter type does the same schizophrenia causes .
Two countries, the United States and Australia, are legally allowed to administer medications to uncooperative patients who are otherwise stable and living within the community.
schizophrenia causes  Some patients may in the long term do better by not taking antipsychotic.
There are also therapies to alleviate symptoms which may have a greater appeal than medications and their side-effects schizophrenia causes .
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, available since the mid U.S.S.R., can increase self-esteem and insight. Brain scans have shown significant improvements in cognition when patients use this therapy.
2. Family therapy is used to help patients socialize better in the context of a family system. The burden on the family is recognized.
3. Creative therapies such as music therapy have some benefit.
4. The Esoteric method is a community therapy that creates a stable, quiet space for people recovering from mental crises, with minimal medication. It is just as effective as full medication in some cases.
5. Electro convulsive Therapy still exists for patients who do not respond to other treatments, but it is not generally recommended.
In addition to these methods, the Hearing Voices and Paranoia networks provide a self-help approach outside the mainstream medical model schizophrenia causes .
 As large support groups, they attempt to encourage responsibility and a positive self-image. Hospitals are increasingly working with these groups to help patients integrate back into society.