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Pregnancy Predictor: How Reliable Are The Tests

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Predictive pregnancy tests are necessary at certain ages women Young women want to know if they are pregnant or not while the former wants to know if they still have a good chance of conceiving Pregnancy Predictor.
 Pregnant women may want to know in advance the sex of the baby they are carrying. This article will discuss some of the options available prediction for pregnant women and how reliable they are Pregnancy Predictor.
First, it should be clear that the evidence of pregnancy are more reliable predictors doctors and these results are more reliable Pregnancy Predictor. And doctors are varieties of methods to choose from.
Pregnancy Predictor Most self- pregnancy predictors based on the principle that when a woman is pregnant , the body develops a type of hormone called human chorine endorphin ( HC). This hormone present in the urine of pregnant women is best worked by the methods of pregnancy test. It is recognized that when this particular hormone is detected in the urine of a woman, as a lady is pregnant.
Pregnancy Predictor using baking soda.
Put some measure of baking soda in a bowl and add a certain amount of urine of women. If it runs out , you will have a child. If there is no reaction , you have a daughter Pregnancy Predictor.
 Drano Test . Put some Drano measure 2 tablespoons ( will) in a white cup, add a certain amount of urine. A chemical reaction occurs that must be cooled . After cooling and within 10 to 15 seconds to check the color of the solution Pregnancy Predictor. A darker color is brown predicted a child.
Pregnancy Predictor Testing hormone or AM Anti- Mullein
This test is performed to test the fertility of a woman using her blood and is usually performed in older women Pregnancy Predictor. The women approach the age of 40 do not have much time on your side . Scientifically, it is known from eggs from ovary decreases in quantity and quality , with a draw. 
Pregnancy Predictor When a woman is young , which produces eggs in thousands, but decreases with age to the extent that when a woman is about 35 eggs produced could reduce 50% of what it produces, when she was 22. It costs about $ 350, the test is 70 % correct , and is one of the tests that you can not get it done by a doctor.
Predictor Kits pregnancy: There are kits to predict pregnancy in the market and they are many. Two of them are simply called Gender maker and Predictor . Both operate on the principle of a particular hormone , human chorine endorphin (HC) produced by pregnant women Pregnancy Predictor. For the manufacturer applies to equal urine for the instrument. Blue means the result you predicted a rosy boy to a girl.
The predictor uses a urine absorber plate with two windows. The stick is dipped in the urine of women and leaned back Pregnancy Predictor. Let stand for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, if a purple / pink line appears in the window, the woman is pregnant . The absence of such a line means no pregnancy.
Chinese Gender Predictor Chart : This table is said , more than 700 years is used to predict the sex of the baby. It is the mother's age with the month of conception. The intersection predicts the sex of the baby.Pregnancy Predictor Some people can not swear on this method, but there is no scientific evidence.
myths : There are many myths surrounding pregnancy. The wedding ring test , the test of the needle, the heartbeat test transport test , testing the weight gain ... a lot of them have no scientific basis. Weight gain test , said that if the husband gains weight during pregnancy , the baby will be a boy Pregnancy Predictor.
 What is a test? Where is the correlation between a pregnancy carried out by women and husbands gain weight. Maybe the guy is overeating due to the excitement of expecting a baby. These myths give just fun for mothers and fathers Pregnancy Predictor.
In conclusion , mothers -to-be should know that tests for predicting pregnancy carried out by doctors are more reliable than others. That's your business and best left to cope. Doctors believe that in addition to the above methods , the technique of ultrasound remains a reliable predictor of pregnancy. Still, they agree that it is not 100 % foolproof .