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Showing posts with label Schizophrenia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schizophrenia. Show all posts

Schizophrenia - Causes and Cure

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Knowing Causes Can Help in Curing Schizophrenia
Factors responsible for Schizophrenia and steps to cure it
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder involving a distorted or abnormal perception of reality schizophrenia causes . These distortions could involve any of the five senses but are most often auditory hallucinations, paranoia, disorganized speech and thinking, or bizarre delusions.
 The disorder impairs cognition and in turn impacts emotional or behavioral problems schizophrenia causes . It can coincide with anxiety disorders and major depression.
Patients often have a difficulty telling inner speech from what is actually said to them, and have impaired reasoning about social situations schizophrenia causes .
At present, there is no clinical test for schizophrenia. Diagnoses are usually from reported experiences of the patient. However, increased dopamine activity in the brain is usually found schizophrenia causes .
 Imaging scans have also been able to find differences in the brains of schizophrenic people, which do not indicate the disease itself, but the memory and problem-solving issues associated with it schizophrenia causes  .
Patients sometimes think they are being controlled, their thoughts are being transmitted to other people, or that thoughts are inserted or withdrawn from their minds. The delusions can be different from those described schizophrenia causes  .
The causes of schizophrenia could be both genetic and environmental, but the specific combination of factors is not yet known schizophrenia causes  .
1. Genetic factors would involve more than one type of gene working in tandem to cause the problem, schizophrenia causes  but these same genes may develop bipolar disorder or another problem instead.
 Since known patients seem to have fewer children than average,schizophrenia causes   it is not known how the condition could continue to exist if it has a strong genetic component.
2. The early development of the brain while in the womb is considered a possible factor. Prenatal exposure to infections can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.
3. Living in an urban setting is a risk factor, as is poverty, poor housing conditions, or migration due to racism or family dysfunction schizophrenia causes  .
4. A childhood of trauma or abuse may be a factor, but parenting style is not the definite cause.
5. Drug abuse is not a proven cause, but may be related schizophrenia causes  .
Currently, there is no existing cure for schizophrenia, but there are antipsychotic medications with varied effects. Some cases will resist more than one medication schizophrenia causes  .
 Typical antipsychotic can reduce psychosis and take 7 to 14 days to start working. 
 schizophrenia causes  Atypical antipsychotic are now preferred for initial treatment but can induce weight gain.
Both types of medication are considered equally effective. The former type can, in rare cases, lead to potentially fatal neurological problems, and it is not yet known if the latter type does the same schizophrenia causes .
Two countries, the United States and Australia, are legally allowed to administer medications to uncooperative patients who are otherwise stable and living within the community.
schizophrenia causes  Some patients may in the long term do better by not taking antipsychotic.
There are also therapies to alleviate symptoms which may have a greater appeal than medications and their side-effects schizophrenia causes .
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, available since the mid U.S.S.R., can increase self-esteem and insight. Brain scans have shown significant improvements in cognition when patients use this therapy.
2. Family therapy is used to help patients socialize better in the context of a family system. The burden on the family is recognized.
3. Creative therapies such as music therapy have some benefit.
4. The Esoteric method is a community therapy that creates a stable, quiet space for people recovering from mental crises, with minimal medication. It is just as effective as full medication in some cases.
5. Electro convulsive Therapy still exists for patients who do not respond to other treatments, but it is not generally recommended.
In addition to these methods, the Hearing Voices and Paranoia networks provide a self-help approach outside the mainstream medical model schizophrenia causes .
 As large support groups, they attempt to encourage responsibility and a positive self-image. Hospitals are increasingly working with these groups to help patients integrate back into society.

Schizophrenia Definition - Schizophrenia Mirrors the Real World

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Many caregivers are some professionals , now more than ever as schizophrenia and the mirror reflects the real world by psychosis and psychotic disorders definition of schizophrenia.
schizophrenia definition Now more than ever , they are sure that psychotic delusions show resemblance to the real world and out of it.
It is not a secret that a psychotic disorder takes its materials in the real world . Psychotic delusions meet the outside world through the thoughts of the victim schizophrenia definition . His illusions are your life experiences, your past, your memories and family relationships definition of schizophrenia.
For example, if the relationship between parents suffering was not stable before psychotic disorder, he would see a picture of his parents during his psychosis , schizophrenia definition one might think that their parents are angry against him, and may be passed by a divorce, even if they do not do in the real world definition of schizophrenia .
Sometimes during the disease psychosis , people are very similar to the victim and like people they knew in the past schizophrenia definition. For example, if someone sees a person who looks like someone I knew in the past, you can go to that person by the name of its illustrious past , while having the certainty that it is the same man definition of schizophrenia.
schizophrenia definition If a psychotic patient leafs through a magazine during his psychosis , it is quite possible that the images that the magazine will remember past experiences associated with them schizophrenia definition.
 For example, if a man has tried smoking cannabis in his past, there is a strong probability that that person a naive picture of a flower is connected to the experience of a psychotic disorder schizophrenia definition.
Today , people understand more and more that their images of psychosis are derived from the past experience of the victim, not the things that people felt disconnected in the past schizophrenia definition. 
Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to say about certain illusions that are not real and not connected with the real world schizophrenia definition .
If you are looking for the newest, the treatment of emotional schizophrenia that has developed in recent years by an expert who suffers from world-class - Ronan David , why not learn more about it? Ronan is the author of " Coping With Schizophrenia Package" . We heard about this?