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Showing posts with label blood pressure.. Show all posts

What is Healthy Blood Pressure? The Answer May Surprise You

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According to the medical facility 120/80 is a healthy blood pressure. Of course , no one should constantly blood pressure (BP ) 120/80. It would be like winning the lottery time after time. It is simply not realistic healthy blood pressure range .
So what is healthy blood pressure in the real world? This is a range that is around 120/80 , but you will not be too fixated on the exact numbers. If you want to know where you are in this range and then learn how to take your own BP at home healthy blood pressure range. ( Readings taken in a doctor's office are often higher than normal because of our unconscious reaction to the place and the people . )

First know your true BP , not just casual reading taken at the doctor's office. Take seated BP readings with the cuff on the left arm , an inch above the elbow. Rest the arm on a table holding the sleeve on the same level as your heart healthy blood pressure range. If the arm is too low can cause a high reading is wrong.

There are two numbers in a BP reading healthy blood pressure range.
The upper systolic pressure measuring blood pressure after the heart contracts and blood is pushed through the arteries. The bottom number is called diastolic pressure measured when the heart expands and the blood is collected in his office pressure healthy blood pressure range.
The health gap between systolic and diastolic pressure is about 40 points. In other words , the systolic blood pressure is generally around 40 points above the diastolic pressure healthy blood pressure range.

From another perspective , we can say that the pressure in the arteries vary from 40 points forwards and backwards by 60 to 70 times per minute ( or 95 000 times a day ) . Do not worry - this is normal healthy blood pressure range.
If you've read about what is considered the best BP is likely to come through the numbers 120 /80. This is what is now considered a healthy blood pressure . But this was not always the case healthy blood pressure range. 

Previously healthy blood pressure amounts were calculated from the formula "100 systolic over his age. " This formula takes into account that blood pressure tends to increase with age.
In fact, it is a fact that as we age our arteries tend to narrow and harden push up our BP . ( Yes, it is not inevitable that our narrow arteries as we age healthy blood pressure range. This process can be stopped and even reversed . )

What's new formula 120/80 for everyone has pushed millions of elderly people in the field of hypertension. Previously our high BP readings would have been considered a normal consequence of aging. Today it is considered a disease that requires treatment healthy blood pressure range.
Changing '100 and our age " to '120 for all" had good and bad effects on us veterans . But I'll do it later healthy blood pressure range .

For now we will talk about what the numbers mean for you and me .
120 systolic over 80 diastolic is ideal healthy blood pressure range. I do not remember having an accurate reading of 120/80. I had readings of 123/79 and 116/84 and so on. It is a healthy blood pressure reading for me, but you can not adjust their BP to regulate the pressure in the tires of his car.

In addition, BP readings are not accurate . If the two readings , one after the other slightly off- set may be different, but should be within 5 or fewer points of difference , whether the monitor is functioning properly . These are measures that BP range healthy blood pressure range. Remember that we are talking about a human body, not a machine.
healthy blood pressure range Moreover , BP is not constant . It goes up and down in one day . His BP in bed after a night of quiet sleep may be considerably less than their blood pressure after working in the garden.
Judge your BP when at its lowest . How low your BP go? - This is the important part of the information you need to know healthy blood pressure range .

For me the night after relaxing with a cup of tea is the best time to measure my true state of my BP . This is when it reaches its natural balance without the factors that would increase the temporary agitation and FALSE reading healthy blood pressure range.
Find the true measure of your blood pressure health by taking a reading when its relaxed, not agitated healthy blood pressure range.

I agree 120/80 figure as an ideal of healthy blood pressure . I do not think I had to read the same . It is sometimes more , sometimes less. But this should not be a concern because BP readings , they are not as accurate healthy blood pressure range.
So what are the numbers you should be worried ? Ultimately , it is up to you, but my common sense says healthy blood pressure range:

If you are over 40 and your blood pressure is above :
* 130/90 should consider introducing some dietary changes to ensure it does not keep climbing
* 140/100 , you should seriously consider introducing changes in lifestyle to reduce it.
* 160/120 all the horses saddled and throw everything on it. You can get your blood pressure at a healthy level , but will take time and dedication healthy blood pressure range.

( If you are under 40 years could reduce the above figures by 10 points. )
The range of BP used above refer to when you are relaxed and your blood pressure readings in the best natural. Remember that the range of healthy blood pressure is between 115/75 130/90 of the value obtained when you are relaxed healthy blood pressure range.
Simon Foster was the victim of dangerously high blood pressure, but has now reached healthy through exercise and diet without the use of medication levels healthy blood pressure range. Its mission is to share knowledge and skills with others with acute hypertension. 

Alcohol and High Blood Pressure - 4 Reasons to Limit Alcohol Consumption

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One of the major contributors to high blood pressure is the constant consumption of alcohol. The regular alcohol drinkers increase the risk of high blood pressure, affect the normal functioning of the body by reversing what you need to stay healthy 
alcohol and blood pressure.
Any hypertensive patient has a problem with alcohol must have a prescribed and monitored carefully by a doctor. Alcohol and hypertension is a major threat to other medical problems 
alcohol and blood pressure.
Although patients with hypertension medicines for high blood pressure are administered , alcohol tends to affect the efficacy alcohol and blood pressure . 
 The final effect is that alcohol can vary among individuals due to tolerance levels. However, the fact is that alcohol affects the flexibility of blood vessels,alcohol and blood pressure which increases blood pressure to critical levels .
Some of the effects that alcohol has on hypertension alcohol and blood pressure .
A . Weight gain : The large amount of alcohol causes weight gain due to increased calories. Accordingly , other drugs should be prescribed to control hypertension alcohol and blood pressure. This task is difficult because alcohol affects the drug can cause extreme danger.
Two . Increases the risk of other medical complications alcohol and blood pressure:
 Alcohol consumption increases the risk of other complications of hypertension. People who suffer from heart disease , severe hypertension or congestive heart failure are a serious life threatening situation alcohol and blood pressure.
Three . Reduces nutrient intake : 
the regular alcohol consumption affects calcium and magnesium. These nutrients are essential to reduce blood pressure and maintain a healthy body alcohol and blood pressure .
April. Reduce the effects of drugs :
 Because alcohol is constantly increasing and changes in blood pressure, reduces the effects of drugs. In addition, the alcohol generally increases the side effects of drugs . Both mixed just causes additional medical complications alcohol and blood pressure.
If you are a drinker of alcohol , we recommend that you seriously consider making a change in your lifestyle.
 As you can see, alcohol has a variety of negative effects on the results of hypertension. Your doctor should help you develop a plan of healthy eating and a plan to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume.
In most cases, your doctor will give you unlimited support, but also provide wide limits and guidelines to follow regarding their consumption habits lines alcohol and blood pressure .
 Research has shown that alcohol and high blood pressure are a dangerous combination that makes any sort of treatment of hypertension useless .