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Showing posts with label Leukemia Causes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leukemia Causes. Show all posts

Leukemia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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There are certain diseases that occur without much of the blame for the pain. One of the most terrible diseases is cancer and cancer if something is dangerous is leukemia. It is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow . It is very dangerous and difficult to cure leukemia causes.
There are two main types of leukemia , acute and chronic . When blood becomes immature and the body weight is increased by more mature blood becomes leukemia leukemia causes.
 In this type of immediate treatment is imperative , as if the blood is distributed in most parts of the body , it becomes difficult to manage the situation and resulting in the blockage of the bone marrow to produce healthy blood cells leukemia causes.
 Therefore , treatment must be fatal faster leukemia causes. In addition , lymphocytes and myeloid leukemia are also other types of CD .
Symptoms of leukemia are difficult to find outside as it is entirely internal process. If one of the reports that have been found to have damage to the bone marrow, or the absence of platelets may be the reason for this type of cancer leukemia causes.
 Another symptom may be canceled or dysfunctional behavior of white blood cells for no reason . Infections leukemia prevents the immune system , leukemia causes so if there are complaints of frequent infections or even tonsils, sores in the mouth are felt , diarrhea , pneumonia or even opportunistic is estimated that there are bright chances of the conversion leukemia disease .
leukemia causes The causes of leukemia 
No visible reasons leukemia as such , but the artificial ionizing radiation, different types of viruses that cause platelets balance problem and also smoking or snuff causes of this disease occur to some extent leukemia causes.
There are people that you mortal maternal transmission has become the reason for the development of leukemia . In addition, some people are found to have a genetic predisposition as the reason for the disease to occur.
The treatment of leukemia Treatment is difficult , but not impossible , as some drug treatments are necessary to heal and besides that , it is also radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation is the treatment of these diseases. But still nothing assures that the diagnosis was not obvious symptoms and the stage at which the disease is also important to address leukemia causes.
So, get the best treatment and better healing of diseases is quite difficult to handle, leukemia.