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Showing posts with label Causes. Show all posts

What Causes Obesity? Top 3 Causes of Obesity Discovered

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Obesity is the most illnesses in the United States. We all think we know what it is, but believe me , I really do think. Each disease is something that should be displayed in the consciousness and there is no disease that should be left intact as a subject What Causes Obesity.
 Although obesity obtained large as in the U.S., they do not really pay much attention to as far as consciousness is concerned What Causes Obesity. The type of government acts as if they care if we continue to get bigger , but it does not really matter how good franchises are financially sell what they want.
What Causes Obesity In this article I will examine the three main causes of obesity that I discovered . I also recommend you check the calorie shifting diet plan is the best fat loss diet plan manual that can be found .
Not getting enough sleep
These days people are so busy with their work and profession that rarely have time for themselves What Causes Obesity.
 In America, we are so busy with the material aspects of life that is impossible to leave Inter - constant trap web , we are surrounded What Causes Obesity. The reason why many people gain weight is not enough sleep. If you do not give your body rest and overwork yourself gaining weight will be very easy for your body.
Poor eating habits
The cause of people becoming obese in the United States the number is not eating the right foods. There are hundreds of franchise food that Americans eat every day and nine out of ten of them are very unhealthy What Causes Obesity.
Americans are so lazy when it comes to taking care of themselves , it's pathetic . Pay no attention to what happens in your body is probably the worst thing you can do for yourself What Causes Obesity.
ancestral : There are some sad cases where you can not do much in preventing obesity because it is not their fault.What Causes Obesity The ancestral obesity happens when some family members were obese and you're bound to gain weight at the end .
What Causes Obesity This is a serious issue because the poor decisions of their family members last power through their excess body weight meets some remuneration for them. The best thing you can do to prevent their children this is not healthy to eat first .
I basically described the three main causes of obesity in America. I advise everyone who is overweight you need to stay away from bad foods at all costs and get a good amount of sleep each night What Causes Obesity.
If you are like me who do not have the time and patience to lose weight through exercise and dieting then the only other natural and healthy option to lose weight fast is 100 % loss of natural weight What Causes Obesity.
The same foods and natural remedies that tribal Indians and our ancestors used to live obesity free and healthy living What Causes Obesity. These remedies are natural weight loss scientifically proven and are the only way to lose weight quickly.

Leukemia - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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There are certain diseases that occur without much of the blame for the pain. One of the most terrible diseases is cancer and cancer if something is dangerous is leukemia. It is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow . It is very dangerous and difficult to cure leukemia causes.
There are two main types of leukemia , acute and chronic . When blood becomes immature and the body weight is increased by more mature blood becomes leukemia leukemia causes.
 In this type of immediate treatment is imperative , as if the blood is distributed in most parts of the body , it becomes difficult to manage the situation and resulting in the blockage of the bone marrow to produce healthy blood cells leukemia causes.
 Therefore , treatment must be fatal faster leukemia causes. In addition , lymphocytes and myeloid leukemia are also other types of CD .
Symptoms of leukemia are difficult to find outside as it is entirely internal process. If one of the reports that have been found to have damage to the bone marrow, or the absence of platelets may be the reason for this type of cancer leukemia causes.
 Another symptom may be canceled or dysfunctional behavior of white blood cells for no reason . Infections leukemia prevents the immune system , leukemia causes so if there are complaints of frequent infections or even tonsils, sores in the mouth are felt , diarrhea , pneumonia or even opportunistic is estimated that there are bright chances of the conversion leukemia disease .
leukemia causes The causes of leukemia 
No visible reasons leukemia as such , but the artificial ionizing radiation, different types of viruses that cause platelets balance problem and also smoking or snuff causes of this disease occur to some extent leukemia causes.
There are people that you mortal maternal transmission has become the reason for the development of leukemia . In addition, some people are found to have a genetic predisposition as the reason for the disease to occur.
The treatment of leukemia Treatment is difficult , but not impossible , as some drug treatments are necessary to heal and besides that , it is also radiotherapy and bone marrow transplantation is the treatment of these diseases. But still nothing assures that the diagnosis was not obvious symptoms and the stage at which the disease is also important to address leukemia causes.
So, get the best treatment and better healing of diseases is quite difficult to handle, leukemia. 

Learn More About Dehydration - One of the Hypotension Causes

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Do you suffer from low blood pressure ? Dehydration can cause !
Drop in blood pressure , also known as hypertension , is a common condition that can be very dangerous for you, 
hypotension causes leading to kidney disease , heart disease and even heart attacks .
hypotension causes To avoid hypotension , you should know what causes it. Dehydration is one of the most important determinants of low blood pressure.
What are the causes of dehydration?
Dehydration means your body does not have enough water and fluids to function properly 
hypotension causes. This occurs mainly due to :
A . diarrhea ( most common cause ) ;
Two . vomiting ;
hypotension causes. and excessive urination ( sometimes caused by diuretics ) .
Other factors that decrease the body fluids are : excessive sweating , fever and strokes .
Diuretics ( also known as water pills) such as nursemaid , are drugs that reduce the amount of water in your body 
hypotension causes. The uncontrolled use of these drugs can cause dehydration and low blood pressure too .
What are the symptoms ?
If you suffer from dehydration, the amount of blood circulating in your body also decreases , which causes low blood pressure 
How can you tell if you're dehydrated? Your body will let you know . If you thirst, nausea, dry mouth or muscle cramps, it means that your body needs more fluids 
hypotension causes.
 Dehydration can worsen if you do not drink to make sure your body gets the amount of water you need .
You must pay attention to these symptoms because if you increase the level of dehydration , hypotension may develop, and in the worst case can even go into shock or die
hypotension causes .
How to prevent dehydration
Preventing dehydration is not as difficult as it seems . To maintain body fluids will only drink at least eight glasses of water every day. And water really means water , not soda , coffee or booze!

Schizophrenia - Causes and Cure

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Knowing Causes Can Help in Curing Schizophrenia
Factors responsible for Schizophrenia and steps to cure it
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder involving a distorted or abnormal perception of reality schizophrenia causes . These distortions could involve any of the five senses but are most often auditory hallucinations, paranoia, disorganized speech and thinking, or bizarre delusions.
 The disorder impairs cognition and in turn impacts emotional or behavioral problems schizophrenia causes . It can coincide with anxiety disorders and major depression.
Patients often have a difficulty telling inner speech from what is actually said to them, and have impaired reasoning about social situations schizophrenia causes .
At present, there is no clinical test for schizophrenia. Diagnoses are usually from reported experiences of the patient. However, increased dopamine activity in the brain is usually found schizophrenia causes .
 Imaging scans have also been able to find differences in the brains of schizophrenic people, which do not indicate the disease itself, but the memory and problem-solving issues associated with it schizophrenia causes  .
Patients sometimes think they are being controlled, their thoughts are being transmitted to other people, or that thoughts are inserted or withdrawn from their minds. The delusions can be different from those described schizophrenia causes  .
The causes of schizophrenia could be both genetic and environmental, but the specific combination of factors is not yet known schizophrenia causes  .
1. Genetic factors would involve more than one type of gene working in tandem to cause the problem, schizophrenia causes  but these same genes may develop bipolar disorder or another problem instead.
 Since known patients seem to have fewer children than average,schizophrenia causes   it is not known how the condition could continue to exist if it has a strong genetic component.
2. The early development of the brain while in the womb is considered a possible factor. Prenatal exposure to infections can increase the risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.
3. Living in an urban setting is a risk factor, as is poverty, poor housing conditions, or migration due to racism or family dysfunction schizophrenia causes  .
4. A childhood of trauma or abuse may be a factor, but parenting style is not the definite cause.
5. Drug abuse is not a proven cause, but may be related schizophrenia causes  .
Currently, there is no existing cure for schizophrenia, but there are antipsychotic medications with varied effects. Some cases will resist more than one medication schizophrenia causes  .
 Typical antipsychotic can reduce psychosis and take 7 to 14 days to start working. 
 schizophrenia causes  Atypical antipsychotic are now preferred for initial treatment but can induce weight gain.
Both types of medication are considered equally effective. The former type can, in rare cases, lead to potentially fatal neurological problems, and it is not yet known if the latter type does the same schizophrenia causes .
Two countries, the United States and Australia, are legally allowed to administer medications to uncooperative patients who are otherwise stable and living within the community.
schizophrenia causes  Some patients may in the long term do better by not taking antipsychotic.
There are also therapies to alleviate symptoms which may have a greater appeal than medications and their side-effects schizophrenia causes .
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, available since the mid U.S.S.R., can increase self-esteem and insight. Brain scans have shown significant improvements in cognition when patients use this therapy.
2. Family therapy is used to help patients socialize better in the context of a family system. The burden on the family is recognized.
3. Creative therapies such as music therapy have some benefit.
4. The Esoteric method is a community therapy that creates a stable, quiet space for people recovering from mental crises, with minimal medication. It is just as effective as full medication in some cases.
5. Electro convulsive Therapy still exists for patients who do not respond to other treatments, but it is not generally recommended.
In addition to these methods, the Hearing Voices and Paranoia networks provide a self-help approach outside the mainstream medical model schizophrenia causes .
 As large support groups, they attempt to encourage responsibility and a positive self-image. Hospitals are increasingly working with these groups to help patients integrate back into society.