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Are you pregnant and wondering whether to paint the baby's room in pink or blue yet ? This is a common confusion experienced by most mothers that seem difficult to resolve until the baby is born Baby Gender Quiz.
But believe it or not , outside of ultrasound and medical tests , there are ways to find the sex of your baby before he / she is born by natural means and fun Baby Gender Quiz.
Try it on the sex of the baby determine the sex of your baby hiding inside his belly and get a more accurate shopping loot for breakfast before he / she arrives . Although not 100% accurate in most cases , were seen to achieve surprisingly accurate results Baby Gender Quiz.
The old wives tale offers a fun quiz for parents to determine if the expected baby is a boy or a girl.Baby Gender Quiz Some babies gender competition questions are as follows -
Q - Is this your pregnant belly positioned up or down ?
If the answer to this question is high, then you have a good chance of giving birth to a daughter. If your belly is low , a child can be a wait to get out Baby Gender Quiz.
Q - What kind of food you crave - sweet or savory ?
Baby Gender Quiz If you have developed a taste for sweet foods , then you might be carrying a girl and if your taste is spent salty foods , in all likelihood , the scales are heavier than a child.
Q -Baby Gender Quiz What is the rhythm of the heartbeat of your baby ?
Are more likely to be a girl , if the rate is 140 pm and a child if the rate is less than 140 .
Q - What is the shape of the leg during the duration of pregnancy ?
If your legs are gaining weight, then this is a child and if they stay in shape, it's a girl .
Q - What is the profile of the face during pregnancy?
The old wives tale is that if you have a well rounded and full face , most likely you are carrying a girl. However, if your face has become thinner, there could be a child inside Baby Gender Quiz.
Baby Gender questionnaire , but not entirely accurate , it can give a fair idea of withe sex of the baby - in the making Baby Gender Quiz. If you took the test and was able to conceptualize sex, to some extent , so go ahead and start painting the nursery for yet to arrive bundle of joy in pink or blue depending on what you like .