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What is OCD?
OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety related disorder that can
occur in children and adults OCD in children. People with OCD have obsessions persistent or recurrent thoughts about the unfounded and exaggerated fears OCD symptoms in children.
These obsessions of fear can be about anything , but usually involve contaminated , not properly contain or be violent OCD in children. These fears often result in repetitive routines or rituals , known as compulsions , such as washing hands repeatedly , counting, repeating phrases and grabbing and is an attempt to cope with fear and anxiety OCD symptoms in children.
How often OCD in children ?
It is estimated that one in 100 children may have obsessive compulsive disorder. Children are usually around 10 years at diagnosis ,OCD in children although children as young as two or three children may have symptoms of OCD , OCD symptoms in children.
Children are more likely to develop this disease before puberty , while girls tend to develop during adolescence. For teens appearance is divided almost equally between boys and girls OCD in children . OCD is often seen to run in families OCD symptoms in children.
Common obsessions with children:
OCD in children The fear of harm or danger to yourself or a loved one (IE , if I count to five every time I talk to my father, not die )
A need for perfection (IE , the allocation of re- writing instead of erasing a mistake )
The fear to lose something precious
A need for symmetry and order
Words or annoying sounds
Aggressive thoughts / sex
religious ties
OCD symptoms in children Common compulsions in children:
Rinse and then wash your hands to avoid exposure to germs
Organize or sort objects in a very specific way
The repetition of a name , phrase or air
Counting or touching rituals
Hoarding or storing unnecessary items
Search security or do things until they look perfect
Signs of obsessive compulsive disorder
OCD in children It can be difficult for parents to recognize the symptoms in a child, that children are careful to hide their behavior.
Symptoms can last for months Oro symptoms in children years before a parent even begin to realize that there is a problem OCD in children .
Children and adolescents may be able to overcome obsessions and compulsions in school but not at home, or vice versa . OCD in children Symptoms can fluctuate and be more in a period of stress , such as during the holidays or in September OCD symptoms in children.
Things to consider in children
OCD in children Some signs that your child is obsessed scene in secret rites or can be viewed on the following observations:
rough, red hands constant washing
a sudden increase in the laundry
an unusually long time spent doing homework
erased or holes testing task
a sudden drop in grades, academic performance
requests from family members to repeat phrases over and over again
constant fear that something bad will happen to a family member or other loved
distress or tantrums if a ritual is interrupted extreme
difficulty concentrating in school due to repetitive and intrusive thoughts
social isolation or withdrawal from his colleagues
OCD in children The effect of TOC
OCD can affect almost every aspect of the life of a child, including their success in school , relationships with family and peers, and even your physical health OCD in children.
OCD symptoms in children Obsessions and compulsions in children constants can be difficult for them to concentrate in class and do their homework , or even make friends OCD in children.
Strange behavior can often lead to ridicule from other children OCD symptoms in children.
There are usually coexist physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches and other stress-related diseases OCD in children.
Treatment of obsessive- compulsive disorder OCD is usually treated with combinations of different approaches to therapy and medication OCD in children. Some of the treatment options that are available OCD symptoms in children:
OCD in children Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT ):
Treatment focuses on the development of models of thought and positive behavior , compared to the negative effects that cause OCD symptoms , and try to make spare parts OCD in children.
OCD symptoms in children The exposure-response (ERP ) Therapy:
OCD in children a therapist exposes the child to an obsession and prevent you from performing rituals or avoidance behaviors over a period of time increases with each session OCD symptoms in children .
OCD in children although it is very difficult and can cause anxiety at first, soon these feelings begin to decrease and sometimes disappear altogether OCD symptoms in children.
Medicinal drug such as an inhibitor of serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( Saris) are used in combination with a therapy OCD in children .
OCD symptoms in children It works on anxiety symptoms that often accompany exposure therapy , which gives you a fair chance to work OCD in children .
Concurrent Disorders may occur spontaneously ,OCD symptoms in children but usually is accompanied by one or more concurrent disorders OCD in children. Some of these include :
the syndrome of attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity disorder OCD in children , Gilles de la Curette (ADHD ) , depression ,OCD symptoms in children social anxiety and panic disorder .